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  • Short-Term Goals: Here we are talking about goals you can achieve in couple of weeks/months. They are usually more specific and easier to manage, like reading a book a month or saving $200 each week.
  • Long-Term Goals: These require consistent effort over a more extended period, like buying a house, getting a degree, or building a successful business. Long-term goals often require a series of short-term objectives to reach the final destination.
Personal Goals

Strategies for Setting and Achieving Personal Goals

  • Specific: Be precise about what you want. Instead of saying “Read,” try “I will finish 2 books in a month”
  • Measurable: Define how you’ll know you’ve achieved it. For example, “save $1,000” instead of “save money.”
  • Achievable: Set goals that stretch you but are still within reach.
  • Relevant: Check if your goal aligns with your objectives that you already set. Don’t set a goal that doesn’t matter to you.
  • Time-Bound: Give yourself a deadline. This keeps you accountable and adds urgency.
  1. Define the main goal.
  2. Break it down into smaller, achievable tasks.
  3. Prioritize the tasks and set deadlines for each.

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